FDC`s and stamps

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Here you will find information on recent Latvian postage stamps and FDC covers. As well as the many covers, stamps and postcards that I'm getting from you, my friends .

05 aprīlis, 2008

New WWF stamps from Latvia

Date of issue: 12th April 2008.

22 (S). multicoloured. Bat (Barbastella barbastellus).

31 (S). multicoloured. Bat (Myotis dasycneme).

45 (S). multicoloured. Bat (Barbastella barbastellus).

55 (S). multicoloured. Bat (Myotis dasycneme).

Michel catalogue numbers: 727-730
Printed in:4 Mini Sheets with 10 stamps each (tete-beche) with WWF Logo on border

Artwork Stamps:Ludis Danilans
Artwork FDC:Owen Bell

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